Love this creative consideration and positive outlook on AI

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You really got my mind swirling, could AI help create a world that is more connected to the harmony of Earth?!?

This is flickering a light to distant memory, feels like a scratch I need to itch…

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Wow thanks! I love that idea of this triggering a flickering light/distant memory - I feel the same about all this stuff sometimes, maybe it’s intuition or a bit of a wrinkle in time leaking something from the future through! Would love to hear more about what it brings up for you!

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Yes I will keep you posted if anything that may awaken from it. It’s fascinating and trickling my brain in the best way.

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Whoa, this is fascinating, and a bit mind-blowing. Life as we do not know it, indeed!

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I think an open question (one of so many) is whether AI, once it reaches singularity stage, continues to converse with us or moves on. I suppose that will depend on whether our species (or some of it) makes for good conversation partners and serious interlocutors. I don't know, but I would love to live in a world where the non-human is truly valued. And I wonder if AI can truly help us not just hear but listen to other species.

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Same, I definitely feel we are in a key moment when it comes to determining what happens when AI does reach that state. And would also love to see more of the non-human world being valued … I don’t know if AI can help with that I hope it does!

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I hope so, too. I really think that is going to depend on the questions people ask it, and the principles designers use when approaching it. In my humble opinion, people need to think critically and philosophically about AI.

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