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wow. a great topic. and i have a great answer. MKultra mind control has been successfully dispersed around the world, and affected millions of people through..... :"The course in miracles." Undeniable evidence that one of the two psychologists was employed in MKulra. The desructiveness of course in miracles to families and society has been a real and personal exprience for me. The course explicitly says on 7 occasions for a person to "leave their special relationship" unless they become holy relationships. this is a clear directive for peorple to leave their life partners, even there children. leave there resonsibilities. this has happened on a scale of mind control probably not seen since pre ww2 germany

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Interesting!! I’ve never heard that. But certainly possible. A lot of contemporary wellness and spirituality content definitely helps to support certain power (and profit) structures far more than most of us are aware of, for sure. Much to look into…

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i have researched it , i also was a friends with a berkeley area psyciatrist before he died. he was friends with these people and legally prescribed himelf lsd. lol his book goes into it. lots of evidence of course in miracles founder, was also in mk program... as psychologist. not in doubt. course states at start, it is a course of mind control

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